Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Born this Way?

So this afternoon I walked into another teacher's classroom. She was having a serious talk with a student about homosexuality being a lifestyle choice, not something you are born with.

Okay, everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, but this just bothered me, A LOT! Why? Well, I guess because I completely and utterly disagree.

I was born straight. I have never been attracted to females; it's always been guys for me. In second grade my heart belonged to Joe Robinson. I guess my heart belonged to him for most of elementary school. There were others, but never a girl. I didn't choose that, I was born that way.

I just don't think being gay is a lifestyle decision one makes. AND To tell a student that! It blows my mind. I mean it just flippin blows my mind! What do you all think? Am I crazy for letting this bother me?

In other news, I am feeling better. My cold is slowly but surely finding another victim to inhabit. Good luck to that person. I cannot wait to get back to the gym tomorrow! Yeah!

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