Monday, January 21, 2019

Nail Biting

My God! I must quit biting my nails! When I was pregnant with Harper, and even before that I had decent nails. They were never those beautiful long nails, but they at least looked better than they do now. I have got to get a handle on it. 

I read up up on chronic nail biting. Many of those articles claimed that nail biting was a symptom of three things: boredom, anxiety, or stress. Then the articles give tips on how to combat each one of those. But what if my trigger all three of those? ugh. Why can't I just have beautiful nails without even trying? Why can't everything just be like, BAM! changed!? Man! Life is so much work!

Here are something that I plan on doing to help me grow these nails:
1. exercise! When I had good nails several years ago, I was an avid gym goer. I've got to get back!
2. Chew gum when I'm feeling like I want to bite my nails.
3. buy nail files and nail strengthener
4. eat better and take vitamins

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Resolutions or a reset?

I literally cannot believe myself. I am probably the happiest and saddest I have ever been in my life since my last post. I don't know how I can be the happiest and the saddest, but it's true. Here's a timeline of the past few years:

2014- Get engaged, Get preggers, get married.

2015- Have baby (Harper), gain all of my weight back.

2016- Live in a blur, Happy because Harper is amazing.

2017- live in a blur, Still happy because Harper is still pretty amazing.

2018- Life is still a blur, but Harper is a great reminder that I am still worthy of so many things.

2019- Wake up and realize that I must get back to me: back to happiness and back to health.
My niece Mallory and I in November of 2018

To be honest:
  • I haven't been a very good wife
  • I haven't been a very good mother
  • I haven't been a very good daughter
  • I haven't been a very good sister
  • I haven't been a very good friend
  • I haven't been a very good teacher
  • I haven't been very good to myself. 

All I can do now is hit a reset button and start again.
 What will living in the past do for me?