Sunday, December 9, 2012

I've got to get back to it!

This holiday season is killing me. My eating is OUT OF CONTROL. I have to get myself in check and it starts in the morning. All the cookies that I have left from my Cookie Exchange are going to school. I haven't weighed myself at all, but I probably have gained close to 10 pound since my last Dr's visit. It sucks because I was doing so well. I cannot dwell on my failure though, I must move on and persevere. At this point it is my only choice.  I really want to lose these last 35-40 pounds before the end of the school year. I have been stuck as the same weight for months now. It's just time to do it. No more excuses. NO MORE EXCUSES. 


I think I want to sign-up for the Ragnar Relay that's starts in Madison, WI and ends in Chicago. I think it would be real fun. I'm going to have to get this ass in shape though. 

Since my last post in July, I have a new lady in my life. She is the most adorable thing in the whole world. Her name is Judy and she has stolen my heart.
Isn't she the sweetest?

Amanda =)

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