Wednesday, April 18, 2012

a little bit blah...

I'm feeling a little bit down today. I just haven't felt myself for a few days. It is a real icky feeling. My 10K is in a few days, but I am not all that excited for it. I was looking forward to running it with my brother, but then at Easter he admitted that he has not trained at all. It was disappointing to say the least. I guess I had this image of us running together. I don't even know if he is going to try running. I also thought I would have people there at the end cheering me on, but I don't think that will happen. I guess I am just feeling sad for myself tonight. 

Tomorrow is my last practice run before the big race. I hope that I don't run into any creatures like I did last week!

These two turkeys were on the path in my way. I started running towards at them thinking that they would get the hell outta my way. The female turkey flew up into the trees, but the big make turkey just turned around and stood his ground. I know from other's stories, that male turkeys can be mean. I decided that I would act like a crazy bird and get him off the path. I started flapping my "wings" and screaming, "get out of my way turkey!" There were some screams too. I wish someone would have been there to witness this awesome "crazy bird" move by me. It was quite possibly one of my finest moments!



  1. Good luck at your race! It's too bad your brother didn't train to run with you. Maybe he'll see how well you do and be inspired.


  2. I know how frustrating it is to lose your running partners. I'm doing a zombie run in July and no one who said they wanted to do it has been exercising at all. I'm training hard and trying to stay excited, but I feel like I'll be all alone. *sigh*

    But good for you for pushing on! I hope the run goes great! - Kristin

  3. I wish I could do a zombie run, but there is not one here in Chicago!
