Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Some really, really big news

I have been dreaming about this for years. I thought that it was something that I could only wish for, but after yesterday In know that it is in the cards for me.

Yesterday I went and and had a consultation at a plastic surgeon to get the excess skin removed from my upper arms. The skin is something that has made me so sad in the past couple of years. I cannot even wear certain shirts anymore because all this nasty skin hangs out. Now I know that all of you will be looking at my arms, but please try not to!

I am so thankful for my parents. They have been so supportive since I first started talking about having this surgery a few months ago. I wouldn't be able to have the surgery without them. They are such great people and I am the luckiest girl to have such great parents.

I haven't made an appointment yet for the surgery, but I will tomorrow. I am thinking that I will have the surgery the minute school gets out. That is going to be maybe June 4th or so. I seriously couldn't be more excited. 

The downside of this surgery is that I will be out of commission for 4-6 weeks. I won't be able to exercise and stuff. I believe this is a small price to pay. The doctor also mentioned the scars that I will get from the surgery will be noticeable, but you know what? I don't give a shit! If I can wear shirts and feel good about myself, then it will be all worth it for me. 

In other news, I decided that because I didn't run a long run on Sunday, I should probably do it today. So, I did. I ram six miles. The first five were great, but that last one was hell. My knees were killing and it was getting really cold and windy out. At mile 5 I was cursing myself for deciding to run a long run today. Ugh! I did reward myself with a bag of Craisins. There were delicious. 


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