Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh to be 16 again... List One of Many

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could

10. Exercise. Do it. Even though you hate it do it. You will save yourself so many problems in the future.
9. You will be moving to Colorado, make friends.  Don't pout that you are not going to be spending your senior year with your friends. Once you learn to make the best of a situation, you will learn to live, to really live.
8. Keep laughing and smiling. You sometimes forget to do these things. Laugh out loud. Smile so bright that it can be seen from across the room. 
7. You will get a college scholarship to play softball. Take your Freshman year seriously. Don't party. Play ball with the love you have always have had for the game.
6. Never, never, never, drink so much that you cannot remember things. You will regret what happens after, and you will never be the same again. 
5. You will meet people in your life that you believe are your friends. Although they were, and were only around for a small amount of time, they have changed your life. You are a better person because of the small amount of time you have spent with them.
4. Your heart will be broken so badly that you will think that you will be unable to recover. Although it will hurt, you will be able to move on. It will not be the end of the world.
3. Don't get a credit card. EVER!
2. You must learn to control your emotions. You keep everything bottled up for so long, that eventually you blow up. This is embarrassing and completely unnecessary. If you tell people how you are feeling, you won't have the crazy blow ups.
1. You are beautiful. You are. Don't you ever forget that.

This is me at 16. Man, I pretty much look the same!

What would you tell your 16 year old self? Leave a comment and let me know!



  1. Love your blog, Amanda. I don't think I would change much... except I would probably tell myself that it's worth the time to blow-dry my hair and I would suggest to stop eating all of that crap at Denny's and wait until I get home to eat dinner. :) ~Janet

  2. I would tell myself that it is important to eat your veges and don't be so hard on yourself.

  3. I would tell myself that it is important to eat your veges and don't be so hard on yourself.
