Friday, February 10, 2012

Feelin' Blah and Jesse Jackson Jr

I have been feelin' blah all day. I have been dating a guy for a few weeks now, and we had a pretty significant argument last night. I'm not going to get into why we were arguing, but it sucked. It really got to me. I was in a funk since 9 pm last night. Usually I can go into my classroom and teach and it will get my mind off of whatever is bothering me, but because I have a student teacher, all I did today was think and think and think about the situation. When 8th hour arrived I was almost besides myself. Lucky for me though, there was an "awards" assembly for the High Honors students. Jesse Jackson Jr. was there to shake the kids' hands and congratulate them. All I am going to say is, yes, that did happen, but other stuff did too that I should not comment on publicly. I did enjoy hearing him tell the young men to pull up their pants and for the ladies to leave the boys alone that have no future! It was just great to hear that! 


Many of our students were able to register to vote today too. That is kind of awesome. I hope that they actually vote come November!

After school I took a REALLY long nap. I didn't wake-up until 6:30ish. By this time it is too late to get to my gym that closes 7 pm. This is why I decided to run in 20 degree snowy weather! Man alive, I sometimes think there is something wrong with me! I put on all of my layers and headed out. It was pretty damn cold, so I turned around and went back home to get another layer to put on. I don't have any pictures of the run because apparently my camera phone doesn't work if it's too cold. Here's one from afterwards:

It was hella cold, but it make me feel "hard core"! Boo-yeah! I ran 1.5 miles in 14 minutes. That's a little slower than normal, but come on, it was snowing!


1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I had a pretty crummy day myself :(...glad to see you looking for the positive in the JJ Jr. speech
