Sunday, February 19, 2012

I did it, I ran 4 miles today!

I have been dreading this run for days and days! I was excited and anxious. When I woke-up this morning I laid in bed just thinking about how hard this run was going to be. I think I may have psyched myself out. Well, not out, but i have run over three miles before, and did it much better than I did today. At the 1.75 mile mark I had to stop and walk. There was absolutely no reason for me to have to stop, but I really believe that me worrying about the run psyched me out. After the first 2 miles, the ran got a little easier, I snapped a few pictures of the scenery.

When I have more time, i plan on climbing over to that cave and looking around. It looks so beautiful. Things like that really make me miss Colorado. I really need to get back to Colorado. I have been away far too lang! I was just so beautiful there. Wow, that was quite a digression!

Back to the run. 

At the three mile mark i realized that I may be lost. I had to stop again and look at the map on my phone. I am so glad that I started bringing my phone with me again! I realized I wasn't that far from home, but what I didn't realize was that Bourbonnais has a ton of hills! Man alive I had to climb a lot of hills! I finished the run exactly at my door step. It was quite nice. Although I was tired, and had to walk a few times, I was very proud of myself! 

Tonight I am going to a friend's house for a bonfire and tomorrow I will be hitting up Starved Rock with Chrissy to hopefully see some bald eagles!


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