Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's been a long week

Seriously! It has been a long f-in week! I have been quite the bitch. I feel bad for all people that have had to encounter me this week. My week started off with my bi-weekly fat doctor appointment. I stepped on the scale fully thinking I would lose at least 3 of the last 5 pounds to hit 100 pounds; however, I only lost 1.4. Needless to say, I was bummed at hell! 

This Friday was also "Black Friday" at my work. What that means is that teachers are non-renewed or pink slipped. I knew I was safe from either of these situations, but it doesn't make the day any easier. OK, that's a bold faced lie. The day is much easier knowing that I am "safe" because I am tenured, but I still get really really worried about all my young teacher friends! I was right to worry. One of my good friends was RIF'd (reduction in force), and so was one of my English department members. Two good teachers. Two teachers that do a great job and love working at my school. There were other losses, but these two were the hardest for me. Friday sucked, royally. 

I did get to hang out with my work buddies twice this weekend.WAIT! I got to hang out with them Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday! Man, I hope they are not sick of me! Last night I went over to Bill and Garrett's. They spent all day smoking 4 hams. We ate and drank, and played Cranium. It was really fun. It helped me get out of my funky mood.
Chris and Bill discussing something

Garrett and Molly being cute

Alex and Liz

Liz explaining something

me being a big giant geek

Today was another four mile run. I felt great when I headed out my door, but then the wind hit me. IT HIT ME HARD! It was so hard to run! By the time I ran 1.5 miles, I was so tired. I almost threw in the towel because I was so tired. I admit, I had to walk much more than I usually do. I blame the wind. It took me way  longer than it should have. I might have to run another 4 miles this week just to see the time difference. Here is the my running schedule as of now.

10k Training Schedule
1walk or XTrun 20-25 minwalk or XTrun 20-25 minwalk or XToff2 miles
2walk or XTrun 20-25 minwalk or XTrun 20-25 minwalk or XToff2 miles
3walk or XTrun 25-30 minwalk or XTrun 25-30 minwalk or XToff3 miles
4walk or XTrun 25-30 minwalk or XTrun 25-30 minwalk or XToff4 miles
5walk or XTrun 30-35 minwalk or XTrun 30-35 minwalk or XToff4 miles or 5K
6walk or XTrun 30-35 minwalk or XTrun 30-35 minwalk or XToff5 miles
7walk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XToff5 miles or 5K
8walk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XToff6 miles
9walk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XToff6 miles or 5K
10walk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XToff7 miles
11walk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XToff3.5 miles
12walk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XToff4 miles or 5K
13walk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XTrun 30-45 minwalk or XToff10K Race

I cannot believe that I am starting week six of this program. I seriously cannot that in one week I will be running 5 miles. The Lord will have to be with me that day. I am already excited, yet completely scared out of my ever-loving mind!

Now I am sitting with my good friend Chrissy watching the Oscars. I never had an Oscar party before. I guess it's not a party if only two people are invited, but I like to say a party! Woo-hoo!

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