Friday, February 3, 2012



Motivation, well the lack of it,  is something that has stopped me progressing in my weight loss. I try to keep up the motivation, but sometimes it just disappears. I decided that i needed to compile a list of things that motivate me that I can look back on when I am having a weak food moment, or a day where working out isn't in the cards for me. Here are a few of the things I think about to motivate myself!

Being able to shop at a store that is not for plus size ladies- This has never been an option for me. Never have I been able to wear "regular" sized clothing. This is one of my major motivations for doing what I need to do!

Not being the fat friend- In my whole life, I have been the "big" girl that hung out with a whole bunch of skinny girls. The one that didn't have a boyfriend. The funny girl that everyone could count on for a laugh. The one who sat idly by while everyone else found their happiness because she was too scared, or thought that she was not good enough for it.

Being able to hug my knees- I know it sounds silly, but I have always wanted to be able to pull my knees up to my chest and hug my knees. Before losing weight, I wasn't able to do this. When it was finally a possibility I might have cried a little. JUST A LITTLE! 

Maybe, just maybe, competing in a road race?!?- So running is something I tolerate, right? I think I could possibly run a 5k? Even if I don't participate in a race, I want to be able to run 3 miles WITHOUT stopping! The one thing that may make this hard is my back! Stupid f-in back! I hate it!

and finally, the most important reason- MY HEALTH! Before losing the 90lbs, I wasn't completely unhealthy, but obviously, I wasn't healthy! Duh! Losing this weight, and changing my lifestyle makes me so very happy. Not only am I going to look good, I am extending my life!

Please say a prayer for my nephew Daniel. He is in the hospital right now with the RSV virus. 

I do get to hang out all day with his twin sister Nalina all day though! 



  1. So awesome that you found those motivators. You've identified your weak moments and have found ways to conquer them! are such an inspiration...prayers for your nephew are here

  2. You are such a motivation to all of our students who struggle with body issues. I love that your motivations are thoughtful, yet realistic. It truly is all about the little things.
